Monday, 29 January 2018

Puzzling Polymers

This Friday (26th January) the science club played with some very puzzling polymers.  Each of the polymers had a different property and their job was to explore the properties, mix them and enjoy making marvelous creations! Take a look at what we got up to...

Monday, 22 January 2018

Kinetic Sand

This week in Science club we experimented with regular play sand and kinetic sand.  Kinetic sand is 98% sand and 2% polydimethylsiloxane (a type of silicone oil) that mimics the physical properties of wet sand.  We added the sand to water and it floated! As we added more sand, the sand began sink yet it didn't get wet! We even managed a magic trick, where we dipped a pencil into the sand yet the pencil remained dry - cool huh?!

 Regular sand - sank straight to the bottom and stayed there!

 Yet the kinetic sand did not sink. It floated at first, and then as it began to sink, it created swirling patterns.